Protein = Repair.
This is the most important macro when it comes to building and repairing your muscles. (including injuries) - If you don’t get adequate amounts of protein, your muscles will take longer to heal, may not heal completely, and it will be a lot harder to build upon your existing muscles.
Proteins are made from amino acids. Some amino acids can be produced in the body and some need to be eaten in food. However, just like any other macro, protein has to be consumed in the appropriate amounts.
Protein is 4 calories per gram.
For example, if 40% of your calories are from protein and you take in 2,000 calories each day =
40% of 2,000 is 800 calories
divide that by 4 and you get 200 grams of protein.
Quick snack options =
Measure by Palm of hand (you can always google items for exact gram amounts)
Hamburger Patty 4oz - 28 g
Steak 6oz, 42 g
most beef cuts - 7 g protein per oz
Breast 3.5o - 30g
thigh - 10 g
drumstick - 11g
wing - 6g
meat cooked, 4oz - 35g
most fillets are 22g for 3.5oz (100g) cooked
tuna 6oz can - 40g
chop 22g
loin/tenderloin 4oz - 29g
ham - 3oz 19g
ground pork - 1oz raw - 5g
bacon 5-6g slice
eggs and dairy
egg 6/7 g
milk cup - 8g
cottage cheese - 1/2 cup 15g
yogurt 1cup - 8-12g check label
soft cheese(mozz brie) 6 g per oz
medium cheese - cheddar swiss - 7/8 g per oz
hard (parmesan) 10g per oz
Beans / soy
tofu 1/2 cup 20g
tofu 1oz 2.3g
soy milk cup 6-10g
beans bacl, pinto etc usually 7-10g per half cup cooked
soy 14g per 1/2 cup
Nuts and Seeds
Peanut Butter 2tbsp 8g
1/4 cup:
Almonds 8g
Peanuts 9g
cashews 5g
pecans 2.5g
sunflower 6g
pumpkin 8g
flax 8g

Ashley Lambeth, ACE-CPT, OES, FNS, SCS | 919-614-2286 | Founder