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Macro Ratio + Food labels

Writer's picture: Ashley LambethAshley Lambeth

Updated: Jun 1, 2021

CARBS + PROTEIN and FAT. Learn how to ratio and calculate food labels-

Ever wondered how to count macros or what should your macros be? It can be a tad confusing but no worries, I will explain...

First things first: what are macros?
"Macro" is short for macronutrients. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats. They are what determine the calorie content in the foods you eat.

Calculating your personal macro goals can be done in a variety of ways and everyone does it differently. This first calculation should be a starting point for you in your journey to figure out what ratio is best for you.

In the coming weeks, take note of how you FEEL with regard to energy levels, workouts, sleep, etc. Even just a couple of weeks can provide you insight into what's working and what is not.

Begin with correct tracking RATIOS:

If you care tracking your food in an app, Ashley will usually start most people on 40/40/20. Those ratios may change quickly over the program.

Carbs = 40%

Protein = 40%

Fats = 20%

Here is a breakdown of how to calculate your own macro numbers:

1. Determine your maintenance calories (number of calories you need to maintain your bodyweight) by multiplying body weight (in pounds) by 14 (or 15 if you are active and/or have a low body fat percentage).

2. Set deficit (or surplus) calories. If your goal is fat loss, a good place to start is by subtracting 200-500 calories from step 1 above. Now if you are looking to gain weight, add calories to the number you received from step 1 above. This number is mainly determined by your goals / how much weight you want to lose as well as your current body fat percentage.

3. Set your protein goal. Multiply your bodyweight (pounds) by 0.8. This will give you your protein goal in grams per day.

4. Set your fat goal. Multiply your bodyweight (pounds) by 0.4. This will give you your fat goal for the day.

5. Set your carb goal. Divide your remaining calories by 4. This will give your carb goal.

Don't worry, I will show you an example, so don't freak out on me.

Body weight: 140 lbs

140 x 14 = 1960 calories to maintain.

Fat loss = 1960 - 200 = 1760 calories

140 x 0.8 = 112 g protein

140 x 0.4 = 56 g fat

1760 - (112 x 4) - (56 x 9) = 808 (carb calories)

808/4 = 202 g carbs

MACROS. protein 112. fat 56. carbs 202.


Food labels are not easy to read and this will take practice-

Calories per Gram: *Remember "449"

Protein and Carbs carry the same caloric load = 4 calories per gram

Fat carries 9 calories per gram.

*Note, Alcohol is not a macro but should be calculated as one. It carries 7 calories per gram.

Of the total calories on a food label, notice the serving portion first. (Whole bar vs half bar)

There will be total amount of calories listed per macro. If you divide that calorie count by the macros caloric load you can determine how many of your total calories are coming from each macro.

Good luck on the start of your macro tracking journey. Enjoy!

Ashley Lambeth, ACE-CPT, OES, FNS, SCS | 919-614-2286 | Founder


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